Struggling to Lose Weight?

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Day in, day out, millions of people like you are trying to lose and control their weight. For some, simply trying to cut down the intake of food and increase activity levels is not an effective solution – they need some extra help.

Obesity is a disease. Being seriously overweight represents a major threat to your long-term health.

New Leaf Healthcare (formerly Healthcare 2000) is a highly reputable, Government registered, private clinic which has been successfully treating patients since 1988.

The clinic successfully helps their patients achieve weight loss through a medical weight management program. Patients work with a fully qualified doctor and with the help of suitable prescription medication to control appetite, feel less hungry and therefore find it easier to make the necessary dietary and lifestyle changes.

The current charge for the weekly consultation and medication is £20 per week.

The clinic is located in Leeds city center; close by to both rail and road links.

Body Mass Index

In the UK 18% of women and 16% of men are obese and that a further 34% of women and 45% of men are overweight.
A healthy BMI is between 20 to 25 this is calculated by your height and weight.  Pre-obese is 26-30, obese class one 31-35, obese class two 36-40 and obese class three is 41 upwards.


New Leaf Healthcare Ltd

Overall rating : GOOD

Date Of Inspection 28th January 2020


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 Contact us 0113 2448866

Mobile 07961501167/07876162122


Please call our clinic if you have any questions. We are here to help you.